Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Over Spring Break, Boomer and I redecorated Grant's room! We went on a limb and painted it in blue and did a football theme. OF course, Ole Miss! I framed the Sports Illustrated Magazine from 2008 since that was the first time that they had been on the cover since who knows when! I ordered this bedding and it just came in today! I am so excited!! The only thing left to do is hang the letters of his name up over his bed. We already had those covered in scrapbook paper in the old room so why not reuse them!!


Well, I am back! Sorry, it has taken so long to blog. Let's just say Art in the Park!!! Katie Witt and I have been planning it for our school for months now and it is finally over!!! So now I can get back to some sort of normalcy! I was going to update you on some pics a couple of days ago but when I put my card in there were no pictures on there! I was devasted! SO I have some new ones to share any way!
Today was Grant's Easter Egg Hunt party at daycare and I am so thankful that my principal let me go! She is so wonderful and understanding! I love her! Anyway, The little ones really didn't have a clue, nor did they care! They just wanted to play with the outside toys!! Who cared about the million of eggs that were laying out perfectly in the grass. However, Kolton got a bit curious about half way into it and went to a lot of eggs and just opened it up to see what was in it. When he realized there was nothing he threw it down! Here are a few pics!

Not much of anything else has been going on. I know we lead boring lives!! BUT we will be celebrating Grant's 2nd birthday in May so I'll be busy planning that! It will most likely be a Mickey theme because he LOVES Mickey! One of students went to Disney and brought him back a marshmellow Mickey Mouse! Too Cute!